
Williams Breakfast Club

Williams Automobiles is thrilled to announce our inaugural breakfast club of the year on Sat 8th June!

While it's a bit later than anticipated, blame it on the unpredictable English weather. But now that the sun has finally made its appearance, we're excited to extend a warm invitation to all our valued customers to join us for a charity breakfast club in support of Starter Motor Charity.

Starter Motor is a cause close to our hearts, dedicated to assisting young enthusiasts in the realm of historic motoring by providing apprenticeships and career opportunities that teach essential heritage engineering skills. This resonates deeply with us, considering our passion for maintaining and preserving classic British vehicles.

Beyond the charitable aspect, it's also a fantastic opportunity to dust off your cars and embark on a picturesque drive to our dealership. Upon arrival, indulge in delicious bacon and sausage rolls alongside a refreshing cup of tea or coffee—all while contributing to a worthy cause, as all proceeds will benefit Starter Motor Charity.

Join us in raising awareness and support for this promising young charity.

Click here for book tickets

See you at the breakfast club!
