
Our Heritage

With a pedigree dating back to 1904, the Morgan Motor Company has a long and much respected place in development of British motoring. From the first 3-wheeler built in 1909 through to the thoroughbred cars of the 21st century, Morgan was and remains at the forefront of British motoring history.

To support this proud heritage, the Club includes a number of members who are able and willing to share their expertise in restoring and maintaining the older cars. We also provide a spares service for those parts not readily available through the general automotive parts industry.

We are proud of the brands heritage and our part in supporting Morgan owners at large since the Club was founded in Derbyshire in 1951. We maintain a large collection of magazine, photographs and other documentation in our archives and are active members of the Federation of British Historic Vehicles Clubs (FBHVC) and its work in supporting owners and drivers of Morgan and other historic vehicle marques.

For more information on these aspects of the Club’s activities please use the links below.

 history Technical Morgan Historic Register fbhvc archives