
MSCC Championship




The Morgan Sports Car Club (MSCC) will run a Club Championship to encourage members to participate and contribute to Club and certain other activities.

Championship Entry

Members wishing to enter the MSCC Club Championship should register with the Awards Secretary (awards@morgansportscarclub.com), ideally before the start of the season. Details including:

  • name and MSCC membership number; and
  • car registration, age and type (see list in Annex 1)

will be required to ensure eligibility for certain awards.

Only fully paid up members of the MSCC are eligible to claim points and / or awards.

Point scoring

Points are to be claimed as follows:

Class position

MCC Medal



Gold / Tin



Silver / Copper




















Finishing but not in top eight in class


Starting but not finishing event


Class positions are based on positions relative to other four-wheeled Morgan cars in the same class (as identified by the event organiser), irrespective of Class Awards.

In addition, points will be awarded to event officials* as follows:

  • Organiser – 20 points
  • Marshal – 10 points

Eligible events

All events organised by the MSCC, an MSCC Centre or to which the MSCC is an invited club (as identified in the event’s Supplementary Regulations) are eligible, provided a Motorsport UK Permit or Certificate of Exemption has been obtained**. The exception is for registered competitors in the MSCC Morgan Challenge race series and MSCC Speed Championship, where events forming part of their Motorsport UK-registered championships will not be eligible for the Club Championship.

Competitors must be competing in a four-wheeled Morgan to be eligible to score points at that event.

For events where a passenger or navigator is required or allowed, they are eligible for the same points as the driver provided they have accompanied the driver for the whole of the competitive event.

Each member may only claim one set of points for a single event, i.e., if a passenger competes with two different drivers, then only the highest score may count. Where a competitor also marshals on an event, either voluntarily or as required by the Supplementary Regulations, only their competitor score will count.

Example events include:

  • MSCC events – Club AutoSolo, Club Concours
  • MSCC Centre events – DonMog Autotest, Norcemog Autotest, MouseMog Gymkhana
  • Invited events – MCC Trials, VSCC Pomeroy Trophy


Results will be based on points scored in the calendar year, i.e., 1 January to 31 December. It is the competitors’ responsibility to notify the Awards Secretary of all eligible results by 31 January of the following year.

Where the MSCC is an invited club, the competitor should send a copy of the Supplementary Regulations with a copy of the full results to the Awards Secretary to constitute a claim.

For MSCC or MSCC Centre run events, the event organiser may provide the Awards Secretary with a list of competitors and officials.

For most trophies (identified with a * below), the best six scores will count, of which at least one must be a competitor score, and one an organiser or marshal score.

In the event of a points tie, the best seven, then eight etc scores will be calculated to determine the winner.

Awards Secretary

*An event organiser will be an official named in the event’s Supplementary Regulations and will have been involved in organising activity prior to the event. An event marshal will have completed the Motorsport UK signing on sheet and be involved in running the event on the day, but will not have been involved in significant pre-event activity.

**Where an event is non-competitive, i.e. a touring assembly where a Motorsport UK Certificate of Exemption is required, the organiser can claim their organiser points but no competitor points will be awarded.