
Manxmog - Isle of Man

ManxMog was formed by the late Colin Bowen in 1998 as a branch of the Morgan Sports Car Club and came about primarily after the very successful international Morgan Event held on the Isle of Man.

We are a small and very friendly club comprising approximately 10 cars and 20 members. The Club’s vehicles vary from a 1956 Morgan through to a V8. We usually meet on the third Thursday of each month and during the summer (weather permitting) we aim to do a run-out followed by an evening meal at a local hostelry. During Winter we usually meet for a meal – obviously minus the run. However, this is very flexible.

ManxMog members are always pleased to welcome fellow Morganeers to the Island and are only too happy to assist with any enquiries – contact details are e-mail  manxmog.sec@morgansportscarclub.com: -  mobile 07624224401

Quite a few of our members are involved with the Isle of Man Classic Car Club who organise events throughout the Island for a large variety of vehicles.
